Every character possesses distinct ability scores, defining their character’s uniqueness. Players allocate these numbers strategically wherever they choose. These abilities determine dice roll bonuses for success or failure, each ranging from -3 to +3, with a total limit of +5. Ancestries offer specific rules for individual ability scores bonuses and limitations.

There are 6 Ability Scores: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma


Measures: Natural athleticism, bodily power

Important for: Fighter


  • Attacking and Damage with handheld weapons
  • Athletic Checks – Pulling, Pushing or Lifting
  • Max weight carried is Strength +4 x 25 pounds

Examples of Strength Checks:

  • You attempt to climb a sheer or slippery cliff
  • Cling to a surface while something is trying to knock you off
  • You try to jump an unusually long distance
  • Force open a stuck, locked, or barred door
  • Lift up a heavy gate
  • Break free of bonds
  • Hang on to a wagon while being dragged behind it
  • Tip over a statue
  • Keep a boulder from rolling


Measures: Physical agility, reflexes, balance, poise

Important for: Thief


  • Armor Class
  • Attack with ranged weapons (shooting arrows, throwing daggers, etc.)
  • Balancing and Sneaking checks

Examples of Dexterity Checks

  • Balance on a small ledge
  • Wriggle free of bonds
  • Avoid falling boulders in an avalanche
  • Play a stringed instrument
  • Craft a small or detailed object
  • Pick Pockets (for Thieves ONLY)
  • Disarm Traps (for Thieves ONLY)


Measures: Mental acuity, information recall, analytical skill

Important for: Magic-User


  • Additional Languages
  • Additional Spell Points (Magic Users)
  • Saving vs Magic Effects

Examples of Intelligence Checks

  • Communicate with a creature without using words
  • Estimate the value of a precious item
  • Pull together a disguise to pass as a city guard
  • Forge a document
  • Recall lore about a craft or trade
  • Identifying a magical item
  • Win a game of skill


Measures: Awareness, intuition, insight

Important for: Cleric


  • Gas Attack Checks
  • Listening, Stealth (Hiding and Sneaking) and Searching Checks

Examples of Wisdom Checks

  • Get a gut feeling about what course of action to follow
  • Discern whether a seemingly dead or living creature is undead
  • Finding your bearings underground
  • Locating a secret door
  • Following animal tracks


Measures: Health, stamina, vital force

Important for: Everyone


  • Additional Hit Points per level
  • Dying Check
  • Poison Checks

Examples of Constitution Checks

  • Hold your breath (1 min + 1 min per Constitution plus – min 30 seconds)
  • Resist the effects of hunger or fatigue
  • Drink an entire pint of ale in one slug


Measures: Confidence, eloquence, leadership

Important for: Leaders and diplomatic characters


  • NPC Reactions
  • Monsters Reactions
  • Number of Hirelings

Examples of Charisma Checks

  • Convince a guard to let you go
  • Create a convincing lie
  • Getting a discount from a merchant
  • Talking a dragon out of eating you

Special: Ability Focus

A character’s ability focus is the character’s level divided by 2 rounded up. It is used anytime the character makes a dice roll with the specified ability. Which stat has “ability focus” is determined by the primary class of the character.

Example: A 3rd-level Barbarian with an Ability Focus in Strength would gain a +2 (3rd level / 2 = 1.5 rounded up to 2) when attempting any strength checks (bending bars, lifting things, attacking to hit a monster with a sword, etc).

Ability Focus By Level

LevelAbility Focus

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