As a new player the character sheet can seem to be a mess of random numbers and terms. Let’s break down the character sheet. Your character sheet is a collection of numbers and bonuses that are compiled from your character’s class, race, weapons and equipment.
Basic Information
- Name – Name of your character
- Class – the character’s training focus or job. Each class has it’s own bonuses and restrictions.
- Race – the selected race for a character. Each race has it’s own bonuses and restrictions.
- Hit Points – The amount of damage a character can withstand before dying. Each class rolls a specific dice type for hit points. At level one a player has the max hit points (ex: a d10 would be a 10) and then each new level the player would roll one hit dice add add that number to their base hit points. Constitution bonuses should be added at each level.
- Heroics – players can then choose to trade their Heroics to do one of the following: Reroll any roll, Add advantage, Add one combat action or to do a healing surge.
- Armor Class – This number represents how difficult it is to attack the target. The higher the Armor Class the harder to land a hit. This is modified by the character’s dexterity, magic or armor
- Notice – Notice is used when you’re not actively searching for something. It’s basically a measure of how situationally aware you are. The players don’t use their Notice, the DM does.
- Strength – Natural athleticism, bodily power. Used to determine carry weight and movement and melee hit bonuses
- Dexterity – Physical agility, reflexes, balance, poise. Used to modify armor class and ranged attack hit bonuses
- Constitution – Health, stamina, vital force. Add to hit point total
- Intelligence – Mental acuity, information recall, analytical skill
- Wisdom – Awareness, intuition, insight, searching
- Charisma – Confidence, eloquence, leadership, influence
- Ability Focus – character class specific ability bonus equal to their LEVEL divided by 2 then rounded up.
- Level – each time a player earns a number of experience points they graduate to a new level. New levels add new abilities, more hit points and bonuses.
- Experience Points – each encounter will give players a number of experience points.
- Next Level Experience Points – number of experience points to collect to move up to the next level.
All characters start knowing how to speak Common. Races and Classes can provide additional languages.
Conditions and Enchantments
Characters can gain magical bonuses through spells and magical items or negative effect via conditions or curses.
Special Skills and Abilities
Some classes and races have special abilities and skills. For example halflings get bonuses to hiding or grifters get bonuses to specific scenarios like modifying the reaction of NPCs and Monsters
- Name – Name of the weapon
- To Hit – Bonus to d20 hit roll. Melee weapons gain a bonus from strength, ranged weapons gain a bonus from dexterity. Include any bonuses from magical or master weapons here.
- Damage – Usually a dice code (2d6) to roll. Apply the result to the defender’s hit points. Melee weapons gain a bonus from strength, ranged weapons do not gain damage bonuses. Include any bonuses from magical or master weapons here.
- Range – two numbers are listed as range for a weapon represent: 1. The max distance used without penalty, and 2. The max distance possible.
- Notes – any info on ammunition, uses, or magical effects are listed here.
- Item – Name of item
- Weight – used to total weight for movement restrictions
- Notes – any info on ammunition, uses, or magical effects are listed here.
Base Speed: The character’s base speed is listed in their Race and is the distance a character can move unencumbered per round (1 minute).
Current Speed: Characters will become encumbered or move cautiously, and this will reduce the speed per round. Note this speed here.
Condition: Characters may become effected by different conditions, such as slowness or blindness. These conditions will change the way the character moves, how they act or fight in combat.
- PP – Platinum Piece
- GP – Gold Piece
- SP – Silver Piece
- CP – Copper Piece
Mana – Mana is the amount of magical energy a character has to spend after a long rest. Wizard’s mana is their level plus their Intelligence bonus (include ability focus). Cleric’s mana is their level plus their Wisdom bonus (include ability focus).
Spell Descriptions
- Spell Name – Name of Spell
- Area of Effect – the amount of space effected by the spell
- Casting Time – in game time to complete the spell effect
- Duration – How long the spell’s effects last
- Description – any special rules or modifications caused by the spell effects.