⚠️ Check out the A Comprehensive Role-Playing Game Encounter Guide for an overview of how this feature of the game works.

Monsters react to adventurers not just through instinct, but also based on their past experiences and the rumors that spread about the party. This system combines your party’s reputation and charisma bonus to influence how monsters initially perceive them. Positive reactions can lead to more interesting encounters beyond just combat. A skilled Dungeon Master can use these reactions to create engaging situations. Remember, most creatures don’t want to die! A fierce party might scare off weaker monsters or force them to surrender, though truly powerful creatures might be harder to deter.

How it Works:

  1. Monster Reaction Chart: As usual, roll a d20 to determine the monster’s initial reaction using a Monster Reaction Chart.
  2. Reputation Modifier: Add the party’s average reputation score (rounded up) to the d20 roll. A good reputation makes a positive reaction more likely, while a bad reputation makes them more wary or aggressive.
  3. Charisma Bonus: Finally, add the party’s average Charisma bonus (rounded up) to the adjusted d20 roll. This reflects the party’s ability to use their presence and words to influence the encounter.
  4. Final Reaction: Consult the Monster Reaction Chart with the final adjusted total. This determines the monster’s initial reaction and any further actions or rolls needed.


A party with an average reputation of +2 and an average Charisma bonus of +1 encounters a monster. The Dungeon Master rolls a 15 on the d20.

  • Adjusted Roll: 15 (d20) + 2 (Reputation) + 1 (Charisma) = 18
  • Final Reaction: The DM consults the Monster Reaction Chart for a total of 18. This will guide the monster’s initial behavior based on the chart’s entry for 18.
Roll (d20)ReactionSecondary Reaction


Immediately Attack 


Possible Attack, Roll Again: 








Uncertain Attack, Roll Again: 








Possible Friendly, Roll Again: 








Immediately Friendly 


Uncertain monsters may try to talk or Negotiate. If they can communicate somehow, through words or hand motions, the monsters may suggest that some sort of agreement be made. This process of making offers and discussing them is called Negotiation. Reactions can make the game much more fun than having fights. With some careful thought, a good DM can keep everyone interested and challenged by the situations that can arise. Remember that no creature wants to get killed, and if the party looks or acts fierce, many creatures can be scared away or forced to surrender, although large and tough monsters probably won’t scare very easily.

Example: a monster might fear the party, and offer to pay them if they will go away!

Example: In exchange for its friendship, a hungry creature might ask for food. (A hungry animal might lick its lips, obviously hungry but apparently not wanting to attack the characters.)

Example: A more intelligent monster might want a bribe, threatening to attack unless the characters give it something.

How monsters and NPCs react differs based on their alignment. Some people and monsters cannot be trusted.

Example: A Chaotic monster will not necessarily keep its promises! Chaotics are not dependable. There are many Chaotic monsters.

Example: A Neutral monster will usually keep its word, especially if it could be risky to break it. It will do what is best for itself. More monsters are Neutral than either of the other Alignments.

Example: A Lawful monster will always do what it has promised; its word is as good as a written contract. However, there are very few Lawful monsters.


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