Cresthaven RPG Players Playing

Who Should Read This Document?

This primer is designed especially for newcomers like you who are starting out with Cresthaven RPG. Whether you’re completely new to RPGs or just looking for a refresher, this guide will help you understand the basics and get you ready for your first adventure.

Why Read This Document?

This document will introduce you to the core concepts of Cresthaven RPG in a simple and friendly way. You’ll learn about the key mechanics of the game, important terms, and how to start playing. By the end, you’ll have a solid foundation to jump into your adventures with confidence.

Welcome to the Hobby!

Welcome to the exciting world of Cresthaven RPG. Here, you and your friends become heroes, exploring magical lands and going on epic quests. Don’t worry if you’re new to this—your Dungeon Master (DM) will guide you through every step of your adventure.

Think of Cresthaven RPG as a giant, interactive storybook. Your choices and dice rolls shape the tale, making each adventure unique and full of surprises!

Core Mechanics in Cresthaven RPG

  1. Dice Rolls: In Cresthaven RPG, you’ll use different types of dice, like the famous 20-sided die (d20), to figure out the results of your actions. Rolling the dice helps decide if you succeed or fail at tasks like finding hidden treasures or fighting monsters.
  2. Attributes and Abilities: Your character has attributes like Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence that show what they’re good at. Abilities and skills can make these attributes even better, helping your character do amazing things.
  3. Character Sheets: This is where you keep track of everything about your character—what they can do, what gear they have, and their stats.
  4. Turn-Based Gameplay: The game is played in turns, where each player gets a chance to act. Who goes first is determined by something called initiative, especially in battles.
  5. Combat Rules: When you’re in a fight, there are rules for how to attack, defend, use special powers, and calculate damage. Combat is a big part of your adventures.
  6. Hit Points (HP): These show how healthy your character is. If you lose all your HP, your character might fall unconscious or face serious trouble.
  7. Saving Throws: These are rolls you make to avoid bad effects, like traps or spells that try to hurt you.
  8. Experience Points (XP) and Leveling: By completing quests and battling enemies, your character earns XP. Getting enough XP helps your character level up, gaining new abilities and becoming even stronger.
  9. Role-Playing and Storytelling: Cresthaven RPG is all about telling stories and playing your character. You describe what your character does, what they’re thinking, and how they interact with the world around them.
  10. Game Master (GM) or Dungeon Master (DM): The DM is like the storyteller and referee. They describe the world, control non-player characters (NPCs), and guide the story.

How to Play Cresthaven RPG: Actions and Dice Rolls

When it’s your turn, you might want to find hidden items or fight a monster. Rolling the dice will show how well you do. A high roll could mean you find a treasure, while a low roll might lead to a less successful outcome. Your DM is there to help with the results and guide you along the way.

Getting Clues and Making Choices

During your adventure, you’ll come across clues and interesting characters. These hints will help you decide what to do next. The direction of the story is up to you and your choices!

Playing as a Character

Creating your own character is one of the best parts! You get to pick their ancestry, class, and equipment. If all these choices seem overwhelming, don’t worry—pre-generated characters are available to help you get started quickly. Whether you want to be a brave knight or a wise wizard, there’s a place for you in Cresthaven RPG!

Player Options

Key Terms for New Players

  • Ability Focus: The main strengths of your character that improve as they gain experience.
  • Action: What your character does during their turn, like attacking or moving.
  • Advantage / Disadvantage: When you roll two d20s and choose the higher roll for advantage or the lower roll for disadvantage.
  • Armor Class: How tough your character is to hit.
  • Character: Your hero in the game.
  • Critical Hit and Critical Failure: Rolling exceptionally well (critical hit) or poorly (critical failure) that leads to big effects.
  • Difficulty Check: The number you need to roll to succeed at a task, set by the DM.
  • Dungeon Master (DM): The narrator and guide of the game.
  • Experience Points (XP): Points earned for completing tasks and battles, used to level up.
  • Heroics: Special points that give bonuses like extra actions or rerolls.
  • Hit Points (HP): Your character’s health.
  • Initiative: The order in which characters act in combat.
  • Level: Your character’s experience and skill level.
  • Notice: How aware your character is without actively searching.
  • Polyhedral Dice: The different dice used in the game, including the 20-sided dice (d20).
  • Turn: The time during which a character or creature can act in combat.

Understanding Abilities

Your character’s abilities reflect their strengths:

  • Strength: Physical power.
  • Wisdom: Insight and decision-making.
  • Dexterity: Speed and agility.
  • Intelligence: Knowledge and problem-solving.
  • Constitution: Endurance and health.
  • Charisma: Persuasion and influence.

Next Steps

Now that you have a basic understanding of Cresthaven RPG, you’re ready to dive deeper into how to play and start your adventure. Enjoy exploring the world of Cresthaven and creating amazing stories with your friends!
