Here is a list of equipment that is available in most villages and towns. Prices listed here are an approximation, and will vary wildly depending on the availability at the locations. It is not uncommon for shops to sell out or for specific items to become rare in remote places.

bullseyeWhen purchasing equipment, each item will impact the overall encumbrance of the character. This impacts the movement and time tracking. For how much money you start the game with, see Treasure and Money


Name Armor Class Cost (Gold) Weight
Base Armor Class 10 0
Leather Armor +3 20 15 lbs
Scale Mail Armor +4 45 30 lbs
Chain Mail Armor +5 75 40 lbs
Banded Mail Armor +6 90 45 lbs
Plate Mail Armor +7 400 60 lbs
Shield (uses offhand) +1 10 5 lbs

* The Armor Class of all characters is 10. It is then modified by their dexterity attribute (with focus if applicable) plus any armor bonus.


Damage Cost (Gold) Type Weight
Axe, Hand 1d6 5 slashing 5 lbs
Bastard Sword (2 handed) 1d10 35 piercing 8 lbs
Battle Axe 1d8 25 piercing 6 lbs
Claymore Sword (2 handed) 2d8 75 piercing 16 lbs
Club 1d4 bludgeoning 3 lbs
Dagger* 1d4 5 piercing 1 lb
Fist 1d2 bludgeoning
Flail 1d6 8 bludgeoning
Gauntlet (spiked) 1d3 5 piercing 1 lbs
Great Axe (2 handed) 2d8 80 piercing 15 lbs
Lance*** 1d8 10 piercing 10 lbs
Long Sword 1d8 15 piercing 4 lbs
Mace / Warhammer 1d6 5 bludgeoning 4 lbs
Maul (2 handed) 2d8 80 bludgeoning 20 lbs
Morningstar 1d6 8 bludgeoning 6 lbs
Pickhammer 1d4 4 piercing 3 lbs
Rapier 1d6 20 piercing 2 lbs
Scimitar 1d6 15 slashing 4 lbs
Short Sword 1d6 10 piercing 2 lbs
Spear*** 1d6 5 piercing 2 lbs
Staff 1d8 10 bludgeoning 2 lbs
Torch** 1d4 2 burning 1 lb
Trident 1d6 12 piercing 4 lbs
Whip*** 1d4 10 bludgeoning 3 lbs

*** Reach. This weapon adds 5 feet to your attacks. Characters can attack with reach from positions not in the front of the Marching Order (see combat)

Ranged Weapons

For details on how ranged weapons work. Please see the combat page.

Name Damage Cost (Gold) Type Weight Range
Axe, Hand 1d6 5 slashing 5 lbs 20/60
Crossbow 1d8 25 piercing 6 lbs 80/320
Crossbow, Hand 1d6 75 piercing 3 lbs 30/120
Crossbow, Heavy 1d10 50 piercing 10 lbs 100/300
Dart 1d4 1 piercing 1/2 lb 30/120
Sling 1d4 5 bludgeoning 0.5 lbs 30/120
Spear*** 1d6 10 piercing 4 lbs 30/120
Short Bow 1d6 30 piercing 3 lbs 80/320
Long Bow 1d6 75 piercing 5 lbs 150/600

Note: Crossbows require reloading that requires a full Ready Action (3 AP) and therefore may attack every other round.


Name Cost Weight
Arrow 1 gp 0.1 lbs
Crossbow Bolt 1 gp 0.1 lbs
Sling Bullet 1 sp 0.25 lbs

Misc Goods

Goods Cost Weight
Backpack (empty) holds 1 cubic foot or 30 pounds 2 gp 2 lbs
Bedroll 1 sp 5 lbs
Bell 1 gp
Blanket, winter 5 sp 3 lbs
Bottle, wine, glass 2 gp
Caltrops 1 gp 2 lbs
Candle 1 cp
Chain (10 ft) 20 gp 2 lbs
Chalk, 1 piece 1 cp
Chest 2 gp 25 lbs
Crowbar (Adv Pry) 2 gp 5 lbs
Flask 4 cp 1.5 lbs
Flint and steel 1 gp
Grappling hook (Adv Climb) 1 gp 4 lbs
Hammer (12 nails) 5 sp 2 lbs
Ink vial 8 gp
Inkpen 1 sp
Lamp, common** 1 sp 1 lbs
Lamp Oil (1-pint flask) 1 sp 1 lbs
Lantern, bullseye** 12 gp 3 lbs
Lock (DC 10) 20 gp 1 lb
Lock (DC 15) 40 gp 1 lb
Lock (DC 20) 80 gp 1 lb
Manacles 15 gp 2 lbs
Mess Kit 2 sp 2 lbs
Mirror, small steel 10 gp ½ lbs
Pitons (steel spikes) x10 5 sp 5 lbs
Pole, 10-foot 2 sp 8 lbs
Pot, Iron (1 gallon) 10 sp 4 lbs
Pouch, belt (empty) holds 1/5 cubic foot or 6 pounds 1 gp ½ lbs
Quiver 10 sp 1 lbs
Rations, trail (per day) 5 sp 1 lbs
Rope, hempen (50 ft.) 1 gp 10 lbs
Rope, Silk (50 ft.) 10 gp 5 lbs
Sack (empty) holds 1 cubic foot or 30 pounds 1 sp ½ lbs
Signal whistle 8 sp
Spellbook 15 gp 3 lbs
Soap 1 cp ½ lbs
Tent (3 person) 10 gp 15 lbs
Thieves’ tools 40 gp 2 lbs
Torch** 1 cp 1 lbs
Waterskin 1 gp 4 lbs


Name Hit Dice Speed Carry Cost
Camel 2 50/100 380 lbs 40GP
Donkey 1 40/80 350 lbs 8GP
Pony 1 40/80 200 lbs 50GP
Horse, Light 3 60/120 400 lbs 75GP
Horse, Heavy 5 40/80 640 lbs 200GP
Horse, War 4 50/100 500 lbs 400GP
AC 14 / Attacks 2: 1d8/1d8
Dog, Guard 1 40 25GP
AC 12 / Attacks: 1 bite (1d4) Owner gains Advantage to Notice

Animal Drawn Vehicles

Name Carry Cost
Carriage 500 lbs 150GP
Cart 1000 lbs 20GP
Chariot 250 lbs 300GP
Wagon 2000 lbs 100GP

* Carry weight and pulling by an animal is not the same. For a 2000 lbs wagon load (fully loaded) would require 10 ponies to pull it. Speed is per animal.

Tack and Harness

Item Weight Cost
Bit and bridle 1 lbs 2GP
Animal Feed (per day) 10 lbs 5CP
Saddle, Pack 15 lbs 5GP
Saddle, Riding 25 lbs 10GP
Saddlebags 8 lbs 5GP
Stabling (per day) 5SP


Vehicle Cost Speed
Galley 30,000GB 4 mph
Rowboat 50GP 1½ mph
Small Sailboat 250GP 2 mph
Sailing Ship 10,000GP 2 mph

Table: Food, Drink, and Lodging

Item Cost Weight
Meals (per day)
– Good 5 sp
– Common 3 sp
– Poor 1 sp
– Gallon 2 sp 8 lbs
– Mug 4 cp 1 lbs
– Common (pitcher) 2 sp 6 lbs
– Fine (bottle) 10 gp 1-1/2 lbs
Bread, per loaf 2 cp 1/2 lbs
Cheese, hunk of 1 sp 1/2 lbs
Meat, chunk of 3 sp 1/2 lbs
Inn stay (per day)
– Good 2 gp
– Common 5 sp
– Poor 2 sp

Spell Casting Services

Name Cost (gp)
Holy Water (flask) 25 gp (1lbs)
Identify 25 gp
Remove Curse 50 gp
Resurrection 1,000 gp
Potion of Healing 100 gp
Potion of Haste 300 gp
Potion of Barkskin +3 500 gp
Potion of Invisibility 800 gp

Holy Water

This is water which has been specially prepared by a Cleric for use against Undead creatures. It can be used by any character. Holy Water must be kept in small, specially prepared glass bottles (known as vials) for it to remain Holy. The effect of one vial of Holy Water on an Undead creature is 1d8 points of damage. For it to cause damage, it must successfully strike the target, thus breaking the vial. It may either be thrown (using missile fire rules) or used hand-to-hand (using normal combat rules).


Torches only burn for 1 hour (6 turns). That is an insanely short time period. I can see a torch burning out just as combat begins. If a torch burns out, apply the Special Attack Condition Blindness to all characters who are not longer in torchlight. Torches carried into combat have a Dexterity DC10 chance of going out in the event of a successful attack on the carrier. Furthermore, torches (and light spells) only illuminate 60 feet around them, anyone outside of that range would also suffer from blindness. Especially true if someone splits the party. In addition, parties using torches are easy to spot and hidden things are harder to find. Stealth being impossible in the range of a torch for the party. And what if, just what if, it is windy?!? It’s not uncommon for gusts of wind to flow down large corridors in caves, is it?


Lanterns are more flexible. They burn for 24 turns (4 hours) per oil flask used. The can also reduced to just a single stream of light to reduce the notice penalty. Lanterns illuminate 30 feet around them. Lanterns carried into combat have a Dexterity DC10 chance of getting knocked out of the player’s grip. A dropped lantern has a 50% chance of exploding after falling. One flask of oil will make a pool 3’ in diameter, which will burn out in one turn if lit. Burning oil will cause 1d8 points of damage per round to victims in the flames, including any creature trying to cross a pool of burning oil (including the character who dropped it). See Combat “Oil” for more details

Lamp Oil

Oil is carried in small bottles (known as Flasks), and is often thrown as missiles. It may also be spread on a floor. In either case, it will be slippery but not dangerous until it is lit by flame.

One flask of oil will make a pool 3’ in diameter, which will burn out in one turn if lit. Burning oil will cause 1d8 points of damage per round to victims in the flames, including any creature trying to cross a pool of burning oil. Oil thrown at a creature will either miss (forming a pool where it falls) or hit. If it hits, it will drip off in a few rounds; if lit, the victim will take damage for 2 rounds at most.

Oil may be lit with any flame, such as a torch. If a torch is thrown at a creature, another Hit Roll must be made, but the creature’s normal AC is not used; the target of any thrown torch is treated as AC 10, regardless of the actual Armor Class of the target (but the roll is adjusted as explained below).
