
Classes Cleric
Level 2nd
Components (incense worth at least 25 gp), F (a set of marked sticks or bones worth at least 25 gp)
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration Instantaneous
Area Affected caster
Leveling No


Casting an augury allows the cleric to discern minor omens, indications of what might be in the future. The spell requires a focal point that will allow the omens to manifest. It is possible to derive omens from tea leaves, but a pearl worth 100 gp must be crushed into the infusion. The divination power of an augury is not strong; it will only gather omens from the pattern of the next 3 turns (30 minutes), and can only indicate whether a future action will result in weal or woe to the party. The base chance for correctly interpreting the omens is 70% plus an additional 1% per level of the caster.


Classes Cleric
Level 2nd
Components None
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration 1 Round
Area Affected 30 foot radius centered on caster
Leveling No


Once the spell is cast, the cleric must maintain a sonorous chanting of holy words and prayers, which not only lend divine favor to the cleric and his or her allies but also bring disfavor to their foes. For so long as the cleric remains stationary and continues to chant, his or her allies (within the area of effect) gain a bonus of +1 to all attack rolls, damage rolls, and difficulty checks. Enemies within the spell’s area of effect also suffer a -1 to all such die rolls. If the cleric sustains damage, is grappled, or is in some way silenced, the effect of the spell will end.


Classes Wizard
Level 2nd
Components a focus worth at least 100 gp, either a jeweled horn for hearing or a glass eye for seeing
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration 1 Round
Area Affected The caster will be able to hear sounds in a 10 ft radius of the spell’s focal point even if the area is dark. If the area is not dark, the caster will be able to see as if he or she were standing at the spell’s focal point, for a normal distance but in all directions at once (for the vision is in his or her mind’s eye).
Leveling No


Clairvoyance, together with clairaudience, is one of the classic “scrying” spells—spells that allow the caster to extend his or her perception and senses far into the distance to spy upon enemies and scout locations. Clairvoyance is a means of seeing events in a distant location. There is no effective limit to the spell’s range, but the location must either be familiar to the caster or be obvious, such as the top floor inside a tower the caster can see, or just beyond a dungeon door. The spell cannot penetrate metal; sheets of any type of metal between the caster and the target area will prevent the magic user from being able to scry upon the area.

Continual Light

Classes Wizard
Level 2nd
Components ruby dust worth 50 gp
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration Permanent
Area Affected 60 foot radius sphere
Leveling No


This spell brings into being a bright, magical illumination almost sufficient to rival the light of day. In all respects, the spell is identical to the first level cleric spell light, but its effects are permanent until dispelled. The magic user spell cannot be used to create continual darkness.


Classes Wizard, Cleric
Level 2nd
Components bat fur and a piece of coal
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration 1 Round
Area Affected touch
Leveling No


This spell creates an area of utter darkness that prevents all natural vision, even infra-vision. The spells effect is neutralized by (and neutralizes) the counteracting effect of a light or continual light spell.

Detect Charm

Classes Wizard
Level 2nd
Components a copper piece
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration 1 Round
Area Affected 30 feet
Leveling No


This spell reveals to the cleric whether a creature is subject to a charm spell. The spell’s magic can discern a charm (or lack thereof) on up to ten creatures.

Reverse Effect

The reverse of the spell conceals the existence of a charm, but affects only one creature.

Detect Invisibility

Classes Wizard
Level 2nd
Components talc and powdered silver
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration 6 Rounds
Area Affected caster
Leveling No


This spell allows the caster to see that which is invisible or hidden, and also to perceive the astral and ethereal planes


Classes Wizard
Level 2nd
Components None
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration 1 Round
Area Affected caster
Leveling No


This spell allows the caster to overhear the surface thoughts of any thinking being in the spell’s radial area of effect. The caster need not be able to see the creature whose thoughts he is reading; the spell can be used to listen beyond a closed door. The spell cannot penetrate more than two ft of stone or more than two inches of any metal, and it is foiled by even a thin sheet of lead.

Find Traps

Classes Cleric
Level 2nd
Components None
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration 6 Rounds
Area Affected 30 feet
Leveling No


This spell permits the cleric to discern the existence of traps, both of magical and mechanical nature. The cleric must be looking at a trap in order to perceive it.

Fool’s Gold

Classes Wizard
Level 2nd
Components None
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration 6 Rounds
Area Affected 10 feet
Leveling No


This spell achieves the much sought-after goal of transmuting copper or brass into gold. Regrettably, the effect is temporary, but an amoral caster might seek to shift the consequent feelings of regret onto another person than him or herself. Whatever motives drive the caster, he or she may use this spell to transmute roughly 2,000 copper coins (about a cubic foot) per level into a metal that closely resembles gold.


Classes Wizard
Level 2nd
Components None
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration Permanent
Area Affected 30 feet
Leveling No


This extremely potent spell causes the victims to forget events of the immediate past. The spell obliterates memory of the last round plus one additional round per three levels. The caster may designate 14 creatures as the targets of the spell.

Hold Person

Classes Cleric
Level 2nd
Components a small, straight piece of iron
Casting Time 6 Rounds
Duration 6 Rounds
Area Affected 60 feet
Leveling No


A hold person spell completely immobilizes up to three medium-sized or smaller persons for the spell’s duration. The cleric decides how many of his or her foes he or she will target with the spell


Classes Wizard
Level 2nd
Components an eyelash encased in gum arabic
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration 1 Round
Area Affected touch
Leveling No


When the words of this spell are completed, the recipient and all he or she carries fade from sight, becoming invisible. Even infra-vision cannot detect an invisible creature. The spell remains in effect until the invisible creature attacks someone, the caster ends the spell, or the magic is dispelled. Note that the spell does not make the recipient any more quiet than normal, nor does it eliminate scents. The invisible person can see him or herself, but the caster (unless they are one and the same) cannot. The spell cannot be cast upon an unwilling subject.


Classes Wizard
Level 2nd
Components None
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration Permanent
Area Affected 60 feet
Leveling No


The powerful magic words of a knock spell open doors that are stuck, barred, locked, or even wizard locked. Chains (even those that are welded) and chests will also spring open under this spell. Doors that operate by gravity, such as portcullises, will not be opened by means of the spell. If a door is secured by a number of devices, only two will be opened by the spell; a triple-locked door is proof against a single casting of the enchantment.

Know Alignment

Classes Cleric,Druid
Level 2nd
Components None
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration 1 Round
Area Affected touch
Leveling No


All creatures are surrounded by an aura that can indicate their alignment, and this spell allows the caster to perceive and read such auras. The auras of up to ten creatures may be examined by use of the spell, and the cleric will be able to identify the exact alignment of each.

Reverse Effect

The reverse of the spell obscures alignment (even against the use of this spell) with respect to one creature for a period of 1 turn, two people for a period of 5 rounds, and so on.


Classes Wizard
Level 2nd
Components None
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration 1 Round
Area Affected Self, object or person
Leveling No


This spell allows the magic user to levitate themselves or another person, to a maximum weight of 100 lbs/level. The spell may be cast upon an unwilling enemy, but in this case the intended target is entitled to a DEX Save. The spell does not allow any sort of horizontal movement, but it is possible for a levitated person to pull him or herself along if there is something upon which to gain purchase, such as a wall or a ledge.

Locate Object

Classes Wizard
Level 2nd
Components None
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration 1 Round
Area Affected The spell is directional, requiring the cleric to turn in different directions in order to sense an object in his or her path. The cleric may move after casting the spell to search a broader area, and need not be in actual line of sight of the object. (In other words, the spell’s effect is not hindered by walls or other such obstacles.)
Leveling No


Any object (not creature) known or familiar to the caster may be located within the spell’s range. It is not necessary for the caster to have seen the precise object that the spell will locate: if the caster is familiar with ladders in general, he or she may cast the spell successfully to locate any ladder within the spell’s range.

Reverse Effect

The reverse of the spell may be used to obscure one object from magical detection of virtually all kinds.

Mage Armor

Classes Wizard
Level 2nd
Components A piece of cured leather – 1CP
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration 1 Turn
Area Affected touch
Leveling Yes


An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of a mage armor spell, providing a +4 armor bonus to AC.

Magic Mouth

Classes Wizard, Druid
Level 2nd
Components a small bit of honeycomb and jade dust worth at least 10 gp, which the spell consumes
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration Permanent
Area Affected The mouth can “perceive” events at a range of 5 ft/level, but cannot detect invisible creatures.
Leveling No


This spell is cast upon an object, so that when a set of particular conditions are met, a mouth will appear in the object and speak a specific message. The length of the message cannot exceed 25 words. The magic user can set any condition for the appearance of the magic mouth, but the caster’s power limits the range at which the mouth can detect the triggering events.

Mirror Image

Classes Wizard
Level 2nd
Components None
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration 1 Round
Area Affected caster
Leveling No


The mirror image spell creates 1d4 phantasmal images of the magic user, all mirroring his or her actions. The spell’s 6ft radius also becomes slightly blurred to sight, like the reflection of a slightly distorted mirror. The combination of these two magical phenomena makes it impossible to distinguish the images from the caster without aid of a magical nature, such as true seeing. When an opponent makes a successful hit against one of the images, the image breaks up and disappears (the others remain). If an opponent attempts to attack a magic user obscured by this spell, it is randomly determined whether the to-hit roll is directed toward the person or one of the images. At the end of the spell’s duration, the images fade from sight.


Classes Wizard, Druid
Level 2nd
Components None
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration Instantaneous
Area Affected noneLong (400 ft. + 40 ft./level)
Leveling No


Pyrotechnics turns a fire into either a burst of blinding fireworks or a thick cloud of choking smoke, depending on the version you choose.

The fireworks are a flashing, fiery, momentary burst of glowing, colored aerial lights.

Smoke Cloud
A writhing stream of smoke billows out from the source, forming a choking cloud.

Material Component
The spell uses one fire source, which is immediately extinguished.

Ray of Enfeeblement

Classes Wizard
Level 2nd
Components None
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration 1 Round
Area Affected 10 ft + 3 ft/level
Leveling No


As this spell is cast, a ray of unpleasant and indescribable color arcs from the caster’s hand to strike the chosen target. No attack roll is required to hit.

Resist Fire

Classes Wizard, Druid
Level 2nd
Components None
Casting Time 6 Rounds
Duration 1 Round
Area Affected touch
Leveling No


When this spell is cast, the recipient gains resistance to fire and heat, being able to endure boiling temperatures without discomfort. A person under the influence of this spell can stand unharmed in the middle of a bonfire, and even gains a measure of resistance to magical fire.

Rope Trick

Classes Wizard
Level 2nd
Components one piece of rope, powdered corn extract and a twisted loop of parchment
Casting Time 1 Day
Duration 1 Round
Area Affected touch
Leveling No


This spell enchants a rope to become a portal into an extradimensional pocket of unreality opened by the spell. The rope rises in the air and then hangs, suspended by its connection to the extra-dimensional hideaway. Up to six medium-size people can hide in the space (five, if the rope is to be pulled up and into the space as well). At the spell’s expiration, the inhabitants or contents of the space will fall into normal reality if they have not already departed. True reality is visible through the portal, but cannot be affected from within.


Classes Wizard
Level 2nd
Components None
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration 6 Rounds
Area Affected 10 feet
Leveling No


This spell This spell causes terror in creatures of less than 6th level or 6 HD.


Classes Cleric,Druid,Wizard
Level 2nd
Components one object and a chip of mica
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration Instantaneous
Area Affected 60 feet
Leveling No


This spell causes an item to shatter into pieces. It can affect objects of up to 10 lbs weight per level. Only brittle materials are affected by the spell (glass, earthenware, etc.) excluding magical items of any kind.


Classes Cleric
Level 2nd
Components None
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration 1 Round
Area Affected 30 foot diameter sphere (15 foot radius)
Leveling No


Casting this spell brings into being an area of complete and utter magical silence in which no sound can be heard. The spell may be cast upon a location in the air, upon a physical object (in which case it will move with the object), or upon a creature (in which case a WIS Save is applicable).

Slow Poison

Classes Cleric, Druid
Level 2nd
Components None
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration 1 Round
Area Affected touch
Leveling No


This spell is used to slow the progress of poison through the body. Even a person who has died from poison may be revived if he succumbed to the poison within a number of turns less than or equal to the caster’s level of experience. The spell does not eliminate or neutralize poison; it merely slows it. A poisoned creature will lose 1 hit point per turn (but will not fall below 1) during the spell’s duration; once the spell’s protection expires, the victim will suffer the full potency of the poison. The spell is generally used to keep someone alive until the poison can be neutralized completely by other means, such as a neutralize poison spell.

Snake Charm

Classes Druid
Level 2nd
Components noen
Casting Time 6 Rounds
Duration 6 Rounds
Area Affected 30 feet
Leveling No


A pattern of gestures made by the cleric in the course of casting this spell creates a hypnotic effect on snakes. Any snake affected by the spell will rise up and begin swaying back and forth, otherwise remaining motionless. A cleric can affect multiple serpents with the spell, up to a total number of hit points equal to the cleric’s own. The spell’s duration depends upon the existing emotions of the snake at the time the spell is cast.

Speak with Animals

Classes Druid
Level 2nd
Components None
Casting Time 6 Rounds
Duration 1 Round
Area Affected one creature within 30 feet of the caster
Leveling No


When the caster invokes this spell, he or she becomes able to communicate with and understand the “speech” of normal animals (with the exception of mindless creatures). While the spell lasts, the animal (and any other animals of the same type in its company) will refrain from attacking, even if they were initially hostile. Depending upon the nature of the conversation, if the animal’s alignment is neutral or of the same tendency as the cleric’s, the animal may be disposed to help the cleric in some manner. It is important to note that the spell does not permit speech with animals of monstrous or unnatural nature; communication with a monster such as a cockatrice, for example, is beyond the spell’s power. Neither does the spell suddenly imbue an animal with intelligence; the observations and opinions of an animal such as a badger will be appropriate to the animal’s own experiences, motives, and intellectual limitations.

Spider Climb

Classes Wizard, Druid
Level 2nd
Components A live spider
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration 1 Round
Area Affected touch
Leveling No


When the magic-user casts this spell, the recipient’s bare hands and feet become sticky enough to allow him or her to climb walls and even crawl along a ceiling. The movement rate for such climbing is 30 ft per round. The subject of this spell will find it difficult to employ tools or handle small objects with precision while the spell is in effect.

Spiritual Weapon

Classes Wizard
Level 2nd
Components None
Casting Time 6 Rounds
Duration 1 Round
Area Affected 30 fett hammer shaped devine force
Leveling No


To cast this spell, the cleric throws a real war hammer into the air, invoking the power of his or her god(s). The real hammer disappears, replaced with a mist-like shape of divine force that attacks at the cleric’s will while the cleric concentrates upon maintaining it (limited, of course, to the duration of the spell).

Stinking Cloud

Classes Wizard
Level 2nd
Components a rotten egg or several skunk cabbage leaves
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration 1 Round
Area Affected 30 feet; 20 foot radius, special cloud
Leveling No


This spell creates a nauseating cloud of vapors to billow forth in a location chosen by the caster.


Classes Wizard, Druid
Level 2nd
Components None
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration 6 Rounds
Area Affected touch
Leveling No


This spell increases a person’s strength (affecting the same sorts of creatures as hold person). The recipient’s strength increases by 1d6, and members of the various fighter-type classes gain a +1 to this roll. If the spell is cast upon a monster (such as an orc), the GM is free to rule for convenience that the effect of the spell is to grant +1 to damage, and if the d6 roll is a 5 or 6, a +1 to hit as well.


Classes Druid,Wizard
Level 2nd
Components a bit of spider web
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration 1 Day
Area Affected 5 feet / level – 80 cubic feet between anchor points
Leveling No


This spell causes a mass of tough, sticky webs to appear, filling in any open spaces where the webs can be anchored on both sides (floor and ceiling, between walls, etc.), up to the maximum of the spell’s area of effect.

Wizard Lock

Classes Wizard
Level 2nd
Components None
Casting Time 1 Round
Duration Permanent
Area Affected touch
Leveling No


A wizard lock spell functions similarly to a powerful hold portal spell, except that extra-dimensional creatures cannot pass through a wizard lock as they can a held portal.


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