Very Rare | Medium | Lawful evil | Humanoid
Often described as a human female with a hideous face and living venomous snakes in place of hair. The typical gorgon has a pale-skinned, very shapely woman’s form. It stands 5 to 6 feet tall with the snakes adding up to another foot. At distances farther than 30 feet, the gorgon is easily confused with a normal woman. Its red-glowing eyes are visible up to 30 feet. At distances of 20 feet or closer, the gorgon’s true nature is revealed.
Armor Class | Hit Points | Move |
15 | 24 (6 Hit Dice) |
walk 30 ft |
Appearing | 1d3 |
Habitat | Any |
Negotiation | yes |
Morale DC | 6 |
Challenge | 1.3 (390 XP per monster) |
Ability Scores
0 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Has 1 attack. Hit Bonus +6. Damage Claws. 1d4 +1 damage
Special Attacks
Petrifying Gaze. Turn to stone permanently, 30 feet, Charisma DC 15 save negates.
Poison. The range of such attacks is only 1 foot, but the victim must Constitution DC 12 save or die.
Individual: None
Lair: d6 gems worth 100gp each