As a Dungeon Master, using a variety of mounts in your game can add depth and excitement to your players’ journeys. Not only do mounts provide a faster mode of transportation, but they also serve as companions and extensions of a character’s personality.

When introducing mounts to your game, it’s important to consider the terrain and environment in which they will be used. For example, a flying mount may be useful in traversing mountain ranges or escaping dangerous situations, but may not be practical in a crowded city setting. Additionally, you may want to consider the rarity and cost of each mount, as well as any special abilities they may possess, in order to balance the game and ensure fairness among your players. By incorporating mounts into your game, you can create a more immersive and dynamic world for your players to explore.

NameRarityCost (GP)DescriptionGame Mechanics
SandstriderCommon50A lanky, quadrupedal creature adapted to the harsh desert environment.Can travel at full speed without penalty in sandy terrain.
WarhorseCommon75A large, strong horse trained for battle.Can attack in combat with its hooves.
Giant LizardCommon100A large reptilian mount that can navigate difficult terrain with ease.Can climb vertical surfaces and move through difficult terrain.
Riding DogCommon25A small, loyal dog trained for riding.Can attack in combat with its bite.
BoarCommon50A sturdy, aggressive mount that can navigate difficult terrain with ease.Can attack in combat with its tusks.
Giant BatCommon100A flying mount that can easily navigate through the air.Can fly at a speed of 60 feet per round.
CamelCommon75A tough, desert-dwelling mount that can go without water for days.Can travel at full speed without penalty in sandy terrain.
Dire WolfUncommon300A large, powerful wolf that can be trained as a mount.Can attack in combat with its bite.
Giant BoarUncommon300A massive, aggressive boar that can trample foes.Can attack in combat with its tusks and trample opponents.
Giant ScorpionUncommon500A monstrous arachnid that can be ridden and used to attack foes.Can attack in combat with its claws and stinger.
Giant ToadUncommon300A large amphibian mount that can swallow smaller foes whole.Can attack in combat with its bite and swallow opponents.
GriffonUncommon1,000A noble and majestic mount that can fly through the air.Can fly at a speed of 80 feet per round and attack with its talons.
HippogriffUncommon750A magical hybrid of a horse and eagle that can fly through the air.Can fly at a speed of 80 feet per round and attack with its talons.
PteranodonUncommon500A flying dinosaur that can be ridden through the air.Can fly at a speed of 80 feet per round and attack with its beak.
RhinocerosUncommon500A massive, powerful mount that can charge through obstacles.Can attack in combat with its horn and make powerful charges.
War ElephantUncommon1,000A huge, armored elephant that can trample foes and support riders and equipment.Can attack in combat with its tusks and trample opponents.
WyvernUncommon1,500A fearsome dragon-like mount that can fly through the air and attack with its stinger.Can fly at a speed of 60 feet per round and attack with its claws and stinger.
Giant MantisRare2,500A massive insectoid mount that can be ridden and used to attack foes.Can attack in combat with its claws and has a chance to instantly kill opponents.
Dire BearRare1,500A massive, powerful bear that can be trained as a mount.Can attack in combat with its claws and bite, and can absorb a large amount of damage.

Share your ideas for fantasy mounts!

Whether it’s a mythical beast, a creature of your own creation, or a unique twist on a classic mount, we want to hear from you. Post your ideas in the comments below and let your imagination run wild. Your contribution could inspire the next great addition to the world of fantasy mounts. So don’t be shy, share your ideas and let’s ride into adventure together!
