When a magic weapon is used, the player adds the “plus” to both Hit Rolls and Damage rolls. Several weapons also have a special adjustment which is used only when fighting a special type of opponent. Normal weapon restrictions for character classes also apply to magical weapons.

General Magic Weapon Types

Roll (d20)Type
9-10+1, +2 vs werebeasts
11+1, +2 vs spell casters
12-13+1, +3 vs undead
14-15+1, +3 vs dragons
16+1, Light spell once per day
17-19+1, Cure Light Wounds once per day

Special Magic Weapon Types

Assassin’s Blade

This +1 dagger is for assassins only. With it, once they make a sneak attack, they can continue to make sneak attacks against the same target until their attack misses.

Axe of Hurling

A +2 magic hand ax especially made for throwing up to 60 ft and retaining both its to hit and damage bonus when used as a missile weapon.

Bloodletter (Battle Axe)

This +1 battle axe hungers for blood. Whenever it successfully hits an enemy in combat, the axe deals an additional 1d8 damage. This bonus damage stacks with each successful hit during the same combat, resetting to 0 if the wielder misses an attack or the combat ends.

Crossbow of Accuracy

This crossbow grants a +3 bonus to both attack rolls and damage rolls. Additionally, you can attack with this crossbow at its full range without suffering any of the usual penalties for attacking at long distances.

Dancing Sword

During the first round the dancing sword is used in combat, it performs as a +1 blade. Each subsequent round, the sword adds a +1 up to a +4. In the 5th round the sword returns to a +1 sword and “dances” on its own, attacking everyone indiscriminately (at random) each round adding a +1. After a subsequent 4 rounds, the sword returns to the wielder’s hand and the bonus cycle restarts.


This sword is +4, but the wielder of this sword has the option each round of adding all or part of the bonus to his or her AC. Thus, a fighter could increase his or her current AC of 18 (plate mail with shield) to AC 20 by deducting 2 points from the sword’s +4 bonus and making the defender +2 to hit for that round.

Dragonslayer (Heavy Crossbow)

his heavy crossbow is imbued with a special enchantment that makes it deadly against dragons. You gain a +3 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls when attacking creatures of the dragon type, such as dragons, dragonborn, wyverns, and drakes.

Earthsplitter (Heavy Flail)

This weapon deals an additional 1d8 damage on a successful hit. On a critical hit, it not only sunders the target’s armor, negating its effectiveness, but also negates any temporary bonuses to their Armor Class they might have (such as from spells or magic items).

Flame Blade

Upon first discovery, the Flame Blade appears as nothing more than a pommel. Upon speaking the command word, a 3-foot-long, blazing beam of red-hot fire springs forth from the pommel. The blade attacks as +2 for 2d8 fire damage (strength modifier does not apply) A flame blade can ignite combustible materials such as parchment, straw, dry sticks, and cloth. It also emits light in a 30 foot radius. The sword does not function underwater.

Flame Tongue

This is a +1 flaming burst longsword. Once per day, the sword can blast forth a fiery ray at any target within 30 feet as a ranged attack. The ray deals 4d6 points of fire damage on a successful hit roll.

Frost Blade

The frost blade is normally +3, granting a +6 bonus against any creature using fire as its attack (e.g. red dragons) or dwelling in fire, such as fire elementals. This weapon grants special defense against fire; treat the wielder as if he or she were wearing a ring of fire resistance. The cold based magic of the blade also has a 50% of extinguishing fire for a 10-foot radius, including magical fires such as a wall of fire but not fire based attacks such as hellhound breath attacks or fireballs. Note: this blade does not shed light when drawn unless the ambient temperature is below freezing.

Frostfang (Longsword)

This +1 longsword is imbued with frost magic. On a successful hit, the target’s movement speed is reduced by 10 feet until the end of their next turn, similar to the effects of the Slow spell. Additionally, the strike unleashes a burst of freezing air and ice, dealing an extra 1d3 cold damage.


This sword will be +2 when fighting most foes. Against giant-like humanoids such as ettin or ogres, the giant slayer functions as a +3 blade. Against true giants such as hill giants or storm giants, the sword is +3 and also does double damage.

Guardian’s Staff (Quarterstaff)

An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of a mage armor spell, providing a +4 armor bonus to AC as per the Mage Armor spell.

Hammer of the Dwarves

Usually functions as a +2 hammer. In the hands of a dwarvish fighter who knows the command word, however, this weapon is a full +3 warhammer. The hammer of the dwarves retains its attack bonus when hurled as a missile weapon, doing double damage if it hits and boomeranging back to its owner. If thrown at a giant opponent (including ogres, trolls, and ettin) the hammer will cause triple damage if it hits.

Holy Mace

+1 weapon, against the undead, however, the holy mace reveals its true power. When the mace strikes a demon, devil, or undead creature, a turn undead roll is made on the Turning Undead table as the wielder was a 12th level cleric.

Javelin of the Raptor

Like a hunting bird of prey, the command word will cause this missile weapon to launch itself from the wielder’s hand. The attacking javelin is +5 to hit and damage, and strikes up to 60 ft away with no “to hit” penalty. The hunting cry of a hawk can be heard when this weapon launches. Hit or miss, the javelin vanishes after its attack is resolved. This item is usually found in sets of 1d6+2.

Life Stealer

This weapon is +2. On a hit roll of natural 20 the weapon will draw the life force from its target, slaying it instantly. This ability has 9 uses and after functions as a typical +2 weapon. Target gets a Constitution DC 12 Save to negate. Negated effect does not expend a use.

Magical Arrows

These arrows are imbued with specific magical effects, enhancing your archery beyond the physical realm.
Fire Arrows:

  • Effect: Upon hitting a target, the arrow erupts in flames, dealing an extra 1d6 fire damage. Additionally, flammable objects struck by the arrow (such as cloth or dry wood) catch fire.

Entangling Arrows:

  • Effect: A successful hit binds the target in thick, magical vines. The target must succeed on a Strength DC 12 save or be restrained until the end of your next turn. A creature can use its action to make a Strength check against the same DC to break free.

Blinding Arrows:

  • Effect: On a successful hit, the target is momentarily blinded. They must succeed on a Constitution DC 12 save be blinded until the end of their next turn.

Smoke Arrows:

  • Effect: Upon impact, the arrow explodes in a cloud of thick smoke that fills a 10-foot cube centered on the point of impact. The area is heavily obscured for 1 minute. Wind can disperse the smoke at a rate of 10 feet per round.

Darkness Arrows:

  • Effect: The arrow creates a sphere of magical darkness upon hitting a solid surface or creature. The darkness fills a 10-foot-radius sphere for 1 minute. The area is heavily obscured, and creatures with darkvision cannot see through it.

Silence Arrows:

  • Effect: This arrow, on a successful hit, creates a 10-foot-radius sphere of silence the target cannot cast spells with verbal components for 1 round.


This ornately carved warhammer is etched with powerful runes. On a successful hit, the runes flare to life, dispelling any ongoing magical effects on the target (as the Dispel Magic spell). The Runesmiter also creates a permanent 10-foot-radius Antimagic Field centered on the warhammer’s head.

Vampiric Dagger

This +1 stiletto dagger is a cruel weapon, channeling the life force of its victims. Upon a successful hit, the dagger drains life from the target, healing the wielder for an amount equal to the damage dealt. This healing cannot exceed the wielder’s maximum HP.

Vorpal Blade

The vorpal blade is a +3 weapon and on a high attack roll will always decapitate its target. On a roll of 17+, the weapon severs the opponent’s head (if it has one) from its body. Some creatures, such as many aberrations and all oozes, have no heads. Others, such as golems and undead creatures other than vampires, are not affected by the loss of their heads. Most other creatures, however, die when their heads are cut off.

Whisperwind Quiver

Whenever you fire an arrow wearing the Whisperwind Quiver, there’s a 20% chance (roll a d100 and need a result of 81 or higher) that the arrow will magically return to the quiver after it hits or misses its target. The arrow reappears silently within the quiver a moment later, ready to be used again.

Cursed Weapons

A cursed weapon will cause the player to subtract one from all Hit Rolls and Damage Rolls when using that weapon, instead of giving a bonus. Once a cursed weapon is used in battle, it may not be thrown away. If it is stolen or sold, the character is cursed with the desire to get it back. The character will always use that weapon when in battle. (DM, tell the player that this is what the character wants and no arguments!) Only a high level NPC magic-user or cleric can help a character be rid of the curse. After the curse is removed, the sword will become a “normal” weapon.
