Uncommon | Tiny | Chaotic Evil | Undead

Found in deserted and dangerous places like swamps and catacombs, these malevolent spirits appear as glowing orbs, often misleading adventurers to their doom. Will-o-Wisps feed on fear and despair, using their abilities to lure and trap their victims.

Armor Class Hit Points Move

  • Armor Class: 19
  • Hit Points: 22 (3d8)
  • Move: fly 50 ft

Appearing Habitat

  • Appearing: 1d4
  • Habitat: Swamps, Forests, Catacombs

Negotiation Morale DC Challenge

  • Negotiation: No
  • Morale DC: 15
  • Challenge: 2 (250 XP per monster)

Ability Scores

  • STR: -5
  • DEX: +4
  • CON: +0
  • INT: -1
  • WIS: +1
  • CHA: -2


  • Attacks: 1 attack per round.
  • Hit Bonus: +4.
  • Damage: 2d8 shock damage.

Special Attacks

  • Electric Shock: Deals 2d8 lightning damage on a successful hit.
  • Invisibility: Can turn invisible at will.

Special Defense

  • Spell Immunity: Immune to most spells, only affected by magic circles against chaos and evil, magic missile, maze, and protections from evil and chaos.


  • Individual: None
  • Lair: 1d6 × 100 sp, 2d8 × 10 gp, 1 rare gem