These devices are relatively similar in nature, but vary in appearance and effect. Wands are the smallest of these, usually being about 1 ft long and narrow. Rods are the next largest, about 3 ft long and 3⁄4 in thick. Staves are the largest, usually being 6 ft long and about 2 in thick. Wands and rods can be made of wood, metal, ivory, or any combination of these materials, and are most often found inside of a special case. Any staff will be made of wood, unless otherwise noted, with ornate carving and complex shape. Most of these devices use charges, which can be restored by high level magic users. Should a device reach zero charges, it will disintegrate, thus rendering recharging impossible.

Typical Charges:

Wand: d20
Rod: d10
Staff: d6

Rod of Captivation

With the expenditure of 1 charge,all monsters and characters within a 20 ft radius are charmed by the wielder for 1 turn so long as they are at least minimally intelligent. All charmed beings will hold nothing but respect and awe for the wielder, and will seek to please him or her by doing nearly anything short of harming themselves or violating their alignment.

Rod of Resurrection

This rod may be used to the same effect as the cleric spell resurrection, except the wielder does not age or need to rest after using the rod. The rod may resurrect both humans and demihumans. This rod may be used only once each day.

Staff of Healing

This staff can cure the following conditions, two times each per day: blindness, disease, injury (3d8+3 hp), and insanity. This staff may only be employed on an individual humanoid one time per function, per day. For example, the wielder could cure a victim of all conditions the staff can address, but only once for each condition in one day. This staff may be recharged.

Staff of Serpents

Two forms of this staff are known to exist, a python form (60%) and a viper form (40%). Neither form uses charges.

The python strikes as a +2 quarterstaff. If the user throws the staff to the ground, it grows to become a giant (25 ft long) constrictor snake by the end of the round (90 ft move, AC 3, 49 hp). The python obeys all commands of the owner, and constricts any opponent it successfully attacks for 1d6+3 hp damage per round. The serpent returns to staff form (a full-round action) whenever the wielder desires. If the snake form is killed the staff is irreparably lost.

The viper strikes as a +1 weapon for 1d4+1 hp damage. Once per day, upon command, the head of the staff becomes that of an actual serpent for 1 turn (20 hp, AC 9). During this period, any successful strike with the rod deals its usual damage and also poisons the creature hit. A victim must succeed in a CON save 12 for poison or die. The viper only functions if its possessor is evil.

Wand of Detecting Minerals and Metals

Like other wands of detection, this wand will vibrate and point to the item it is enchanted to detect, in this case, the largest quantity of a mineral or metal within a 30 ft range. The wand may also be used to detect all samples of a specific mineral or metal within range, such as gold or diamonds. The wielder of the wand becomes aware of the quantity of the item when detected. This wand requires 1 round per use, and may be used continuously for 1 turn per charge spent. The wand of detecting minerals and metals can be recharged.

Wand of Fear

Once per round, by spending 1 charge,this wand will emit a ray of sinister purple light that takes 1 segment to appear. The ray is shaped as a cone 20 ft wide at its terminal end and 60 ft long. Any being within the area of effect must succeed in a WIS save 10 or fall under effects identical to the cleric spell fear. A wand of fear is rechargeable.

Wand of Fire

A wand of fire produces several spell-like effects, and may only produce one effect per round. The following effects require the expenditure of 1 charge: burning hands shoots forth a triangular cone of fire 12 ft long with a 10 ft ending width. It takes 1 segment for this effect to manifest, and it lasts but a moment. Any being within this area of effect suffers 6 hp damage. Pyrotechnics may also be produced from the wand, and take 2 segments to appear. This effect exactly mimics the spell of the same name.

The wand of fire may produce the following effects with the expenditure of 2 charges: a fireball may be shot from the wand, performing exactly as the spell of the same name, as if cast from a 6th level character. It deals 6d6 hp damage to all within the area of effect (DEX save 10 for half damage). Any result of 1 on a damage die is treated as a 2. A wall of fire may be produced in 3 segments, like the spell of the same name cast from a 6th level character. The wall may be formed into a 22 ft diameter circle surrounding the wand wielder.

Wand of Magic Detection

This wand has three charges per day and works as the Detect Magic spell, causing magical items to glow in the user’s eyes for up to 60 feet. Each use lasts 1 turn.

Wand of Magic Missiles

This wand may fire 1 or 2 magic missiles (wielder’s choice), as the spell, each round. Each missile requires 1 charge and 3 segments before it manifests. These magical bolts deal 1d4+1 hp damage each.

Wand of Secrets

The wand has 3 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges, and if a secret door or trap is within 30 feet of you, the wand pulses and points at the one nearest to you. The wand regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.


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