Rare | Medium | Chaotic evil | Humanoid
This grayish humanoid creature seems almost unfinished, with a narrow head, gaunt limbs, and a sinister, nose less face
Armor Class | Hit Points | Move |
16 | 4 (1 Hit Dice) |
walk 90 ft |
Appearing | 1d6 |
Habitat | Any |
Negotiation | yes |
Morale DC | 7 |
Challenge | 0.6 (180 XP per monster) |
Ability Scores
0 | 4 | 2 | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Has 1 attack. Hit Bonus +4. Damage 1d12 damage damage
Special Attacks
The doppelganger is able to assume the shape of any humanoid creature between four and eight feet high. The doppelganger chooses a victim, duplicates his form, and then attempts to kill the original and assume his place. The doppelganger is able to use ESP and can imitate its victim with 90% accuracy, even duplicating the victim’s clothing and equipment. If unsuccessful in taking its victim’s place, the doppelganger attacks, relying on the ensuing confusion to make it indistinguishable from its victim.
Special Defense
A doppelganger is immune to sleep and charm spells
Individual: None
Lair: None