Uncommon | Small | Chaotic evil | Humanoid
Goblins are a human-like race, small and very ugly. Their skin is a pale earthy color, such as chalky tan or livid gray. Their eyes are red, and glow when there is little light.
Armor Class | Hit Points | Move |
13 | 4 (1 Hit Dice) | walk 50 ft |
Appearing | 2d4 |
Habitat | Swamp,Underground |
Negotiation | no |
Morale DC | 12 |
Challenge | 0.3 (90 XP per monster) |
Ability Scores
-1 | 2 | 0 | 0 | -1 | -1 |
Has 1 attack. Hit Bonus +1. Damage Short Sword. 1d6 -1 damage
Individual: 3d6 sp
Lair: 1d12×1,000 cp (75%), 1d6×1,000 sp (50%), 1d6 gems (25%), 1d3 jewelry (20%), 2d4 potions (40%)
Goblin Kings. In the goblin lair lives a goblin king with 15 hit points who fights as a 3 Hit Dice monster and gains a +3 bonus to damage rolls. The goblin king has a bodyguard of 2d6 goblins who fight as 2 Hit Dice monsters and have 2d6 hit points each. The king and his bodyguard may fight in full daylight without a penalty. The goblin morale is +7 rather than +5 as long as their king is with them and still alive.
Goblin warlock. These magic using goblins don’t wear armor (AC 10) and typically have 3 first level spells and 2 second level spells.