1 | Mentor was killed in an explosion | 51 | Swindled a high ranking mage/thief |
2 | Father was beheaded | 52 | Grew up on an island far from civilization |
3 | Sister kidnapped by Demon | 53 | Bandit, refused to participate in a raid |
4 | Home town destroyed | 54 | Drowned a family member |
5 | Lost all gold in bad bet | 55 | Warlord |
6 | Wanted for murder | 56 | Found a long forgotten sword in a stone |
7 | Twin sibling taken at birth | 57 | Court jester |
8 | Empath, had to leave society | 58 | Grew up in a monastery in the outskirts |
9 | Left barbarian tribe wanted more | 59 | Family were witch hunters |
10 | Father was a notorious thief | 60 | Re-roll twice and add both together |
11 | Shunned by the gods | 61 | Sworn to keep an important secret |
12 | Miner, caused accident | 62 | Reincarnated fortune teller |
13 | Horrible hunter, nearly starved | 63 | Mother was killed by large beast |
14 | Parents killed by a thug | 64 | Escaped a prison |
15 | The last of an order (religious, thieves) | 65 | Borrowed a large spell book didn’t return |
16 | False prophet | 66 | Designed war machines |
17 | Made pact with witch | 67 | Parents killed by pirates |
18 | Grew up an orphan begging on streets | 68 | Prince/Princess of noble house |
19 | Teleported from a different world/time | 69 | Trained by a master in their class |
20 | Father was a renowned mercenary | 70 | Brewer of fine ales & wines |
21 | Locked in a tower for years | 71 | Tasked with cleanup of disease |
22 | Apprentice to a trade | 72 | An assassin |
23 | Father sold out traitors to lord | 73 | Town hero destroyed an evil threat |
24 | Wizard’s experimental subject | 74 | Survived dragon attack, with scars |
25 | Veteran of a war | 75 | Slave |
26 | Runaway | 76 | Skilled Artist |
27 | Story collector & teller | 77 | Sailor who caused a mutiny |
28 | Traveling merchant | 78 | Squire to evil knight |
29 | Humble villager, didn’t cause much trouble, and never went on any adventures. | 79 | Previously a merman/woman, turned by wizard |
30 | Re-roll twice and add both together | 80 | Plagued by ghosts |
31 | Caught someone doing something bad | 81 | Amnesia, don’t remember a thing |
32 | Remembers all past lives | 82 | Exiled because of previous mistakes |
33 | Set on a religious pilgrimage | 83 | Grew up in nature with only animals |
34 | Ransomed as a prisoner of war | 84 | Born with wings |
35 | Famer | 85 | Ran an illegal gambling den/bawdy house |
36 | Born with facial scarring and a tail, shunned | 86 | Woke up in a different reality |
37 | Stole a large sum of gold | 87 | Fisherman/woman |
38 | Temple from hometown burned, did nothing | 88 | Hung for treason, brought back from the dead |
39 | Started a riot | 89 | Arsonist |
40 | Guard/Solider AWOL from post | 90 | Debts from addiction |
41 | Family were prospectors, lost map to mine | 91 | Kidnapped a high lord/lady, ransomed. |
42 | Barkeep | 92 | The bastard son/daughter of a lord |
43 | Smuggler | 93 | Deposed king |
44 | Immigrant from a foreign land | 94 | Dreams of the “end of days” |
45 | Concubine to the king/queen | 95 | Led rebellion against local government |
46 | Born from a union with a vampire | 96 | Arm’s dealer |
47 | Family were cavemen, smartest of the bunch | 97 | Betrothed to a ugly noble |
48 | Lewd painter | 98 | Born blind, other sense heightened |
49 | Scribe for a local priest/wizard | 99 | Wandering minstrel |
50 | Alchemist’s apprentice | 0 | Cartographer |
Special thanks to 3 Toadstools Publishing – 3toadstools.blogspot.ca
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