Paladins are holy warriors, combining the fighting prowess of a fighter with the divine magic of a cleric. They are often seen as defenders of the faith, standing up for the weak and oppressed, and fighting against evil and corruption. Paladins are highly disciplined, dedicate their lives to their deity or cause, and follow a strict code of honor and morality.

In combat, paladins are fearsome opponents, using their fighting skills and divine powers to protect their allies and smite their enemies. They are also skilled in healing magic, able to mend wounds and restore vitality to those in need. Paladins are held in high esteem by the common people and are often called upon to lead and inspire others in times of crisis.

Ability Focus: Wisdom

Hit Points: d8

Ancestries Allowed: Human

Starting Reputation: +3

Restrictions: Paladins cannot do any evil act and will look down on those who do. This includes lying, cheating, etc.

Zealot: It is your responsibility to the temple to spread the word and convert others to your god. Not doing so can anger your god and restrict your magical abilities.

Tithes: Paladins are required to contribute 10% of any treasure to their temple.

Follower: At level 4 the Paladin gains a 1st level squire (NPC cavalier 10HP, +1 Attack, 1d8 damage)

Special Abilities

The special abilities of the Paladin do not come from mana, rather they are a gift from their diety.

Aura of Good

The Paladin projects an aura of goodness within 10ft per level of the paladin, which can protect against possession or charm effects from evil creatures.  They can do this as often as desired, with a successful Wisdom check, but each attempt takes one round.

Detect Evil

The Paladin can sense the presence of evil within 10ft per level of the paladin, allowing them to identify any evil creatures or objects nearby.  They can do this as often as desired, with a successful Wisdom check, but each attempt takes one round. This ability detects evil monsters and characters.

Divine Health

Starting at 4th level, the Paladin is immune to diseases, both mundane and magical.

Lay on Hands

The Paladin can heal wounds by touch, restoring 1d4 hit points per level of the Paladin x5 per day. Starting at 4th level, this ability can also cure diseases or neutralize poisons with a successful Wisdom check.


Starting at 4th level, the Paladin can make a powerful melee attack against a target, channeling divine power to add another d8 damage to one attack per combat encounter.

Starting Equipment

A backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, candles (10), a cheap holy text, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), a water skin, and a wooden holy symbol.

Starting Money

All characters start with 2d4 x 10 gold pieces

At Level 2 (2,000+ Experience Points)

Gain hit points by rolling 1d8 + Constitution and adding it to your total hit points

Range of Aura of Good expanded to 20ft

Range of Detect Evil expanded to 20ft

Lay on Hands heals 2d4 hit points

At Level 3 (4,000+ Experience Points)

Gain hit points by rolling 1d8 + Constitution and adding it to your total hit points

Range of Aura of Good expanded to 30ft

Range of Detect Evil expanded to 30ft

Lay on Hands heals 3d4 hit points

Increase Ability Focus to 2

At Level 4 (8,000+ Experience Points)

Gain hit points by rolling 1d8 + Constitution and adding it to your total hit points

Range of Aura of Good expanded to 40ft

Range of Detect Evil expanded to 40ft

Lay on Hands heals 4d4 hit points

A follower has joined you on your holy quest

Gain access to Devine Health

Laying on hands can now cure diseases or neutralize poison

Gain access to the Smite ability
