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Greetings, fellow Cresthaven enthusiasts!

We’re thrilled to be here today with a special treat for all you intrepid explorers. We’re pulling back the curtain and offering a sneak peek at an early chapter from the upcoming print edition of the Cresthaven RPG!

Why the Sneak Peek?

We believe in creating the best possible Cresthaven experience for you, and that includes getting your valuable feedback. This early chapter dives into character creation.

What We’re Looking For:

  • Is the chapter clear and easy to follow?
  • Does the character creation feel engaging and interesting?
  • Are there any rules or mechanics that seem confusing?
  • Do you have any suggestions for improvement?

Your insights are crucial in shaping the final version of the Cresthaven RPG. Let us know what you think!

How to Share Feedback:

Leave a comment below with your thoughts on the chapter. We’d especially appreciate it if you could reference specific sections or mechanics in your feedback.

The Chapter Awaits!

You can find the sneak peek chapter here. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/z5nqr7ing1no9fck4yfh0/cresthaven-01-character-creation.pdf?rlkey=u2f5b4goss0eglsvmnmfsxeti&dl=0

We can’t wait to hear your feedback and embark on this epic Cresthaven adventure together!


Stay tuned for more exciting Cresthaven news and updates in the coming weeks!


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Braegon_Haven7

    1) Yes it makes sense 🙂
    2) Love the art. Sort of a Dark Souls vibe.
    3) First page, link to the Char Sheet or list what page it’s on
    4) I actually really like the class restrictions, reminds me of AD&D
    5) Draco – those are some really heavy light penalties! These would keep me from playing them.
    6) Love the class summary on page 16!
    7) I would give Barbarian and Cavalier some special abilities at Level 1 like the other classes
    8) Page 25 – may just be me, but results of Turn Undead don’t make sense, three results for Succeed
    9) Page 32 – assassin is spelled wrong 🙂

    Thanks for giving us a sneak peek!

    1. Avatar photo
      A J

      Thank you for the feedback! On point 7, their initial bonuses are better hit percentages and more hit points.

  2. Elazar Jameson

    Greetings! I’ve spent some time on the play test document and here’s my thoughts about it!

    Cresthaven can’t escape its own destiny as another heartbreak Fantasy system, which truly it’s not a bad thing at all! It could be used as an advantage as it may derive from the main source of inspiration.

    Let’s see some examples:

    Level squish! It would be nice to keep the level range from 1 to 10 offering alternative leveling system above the indicated levels

    Offer “something” at each level, even an advantage to something is better than a level gap (with the exception of Paladin & rangers who gains a couple of signature skills)

    Personally, I’m using the mentality of E6 The game inside the world’s most popular roleplaying game and it works like a charm! Heroes keep their feet in the ground without sacrificing the notion of leveling

    Best of luck to your new endeavor!

    1. Avatar photo
      A J

      Thank you for the feedback! The class features die down after 4th level as character growth changes from class to more wealth and magical items. At that point the game changes dramatically. Even the experience points grow exponentially as to show that the growth slows dramatically, instead shifting to experience.

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