In Search of the Unknown Monster List

For those of you who are playing the module B1 In Search of the Unknown. Here is the updated monster list using the Cresthaven RPG Monsters. 25 Monsters for B1 In Search of the Unknown for Cresthaven RPG 1. ORC - AC: 14; HD: 1; Hit: +1; Dmg: by weapon +1; MV: 120 (40) feet; MORSV:…


The Cross Arms Tavern and Inn

The Cross Arms Tavern and Inn is the heart of the village, located just on the main square of Cresthaven. It is a cozy two-story timber and brick building, with several leaded glass windows that let the sunlight stream in. Inside, there is a warm fire burning in the fireplace and the scent of roasting…


Arachnid Ambush

This is simple ENCOUNTER and should be part of a greater story. Read the indented information to the party. Instructions to the DM are in italics. I would adjust the number of spiders so there are no more than 1 spiders per collective character level. The party has a very uneventful trek the mile or so…