Rangers are brave warriors who dedicate their lives to protecting the wilderness. They possess incredible tracking skills, which they use to hunt down dangerous creatures that threaten the peace of their homeland. With their exceptional knowledge of the land and environment, they can survive in the wild for weeks without any assistance. Many rangers take an oath to protect a particular part of the wild, vowing to eradicate all threats to its safety.
Rangers are frequently called upon to capture or kill dangerous beasts and bring them to justice. They are skilled at hunting, trapping, and tracking, making them the perfect choice for any task that requires a deep understanding of the natural world. With their sharp senses, unbreakable spirit, and unyielding determination, rangers are a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.
Ability Focus: Wisdom
Hit Points: d8
Ancestries Allowed: Catfolk, Elf, Faun or Human
Starting Reputation: +1
Sworn Enemy
When a ranger is created, they must choose one monster to be their sworn enemy. The ranger gains a +3 hit vs that monster and will ignore all other monsters to attack said enemy. Typical enemies include: Goblins, Orcs, Trolls, Dragons, etc. This enemy can be changed each time a Ranger levels up.
Animal Companion
At 4th level, the ranger may pick one of the following to be their animal companion, who will fight to the death and follow commands of the ranger. Choose from: badger, camel, dire rat, dog, riding dog, eagle, hawk, horse, owl, pony, snake, or wolf. See Pets for more ideas.
Rangers are experts with the bow. This means they get a special bonus when using it. Add a bonus to your bow attacks equal to your focus number. For example, if your focus number is 2, you get +2 to your bow attacks.
Called Shot
Starting at 4th level, when you are hidden and stay still, you can take your entire round to make a powerful, aimed shot. This attack is made with double your normal attack bonus. However, if an enemy attacks you (regardless if they do damage) before you can make your called shot, you lose your attack for that round.
Rapid Shot
Starting at 4th level, the Ranger gains the ability to make multiple shots with a bow. The number of attacks with a bow is equal to the Ranger’s focus value.
Starting Equipment
Backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a water skin. In addition, the Ranger gets a longbow with 20 arrows at no cost.
Starting Money
All characters start with 2d4 x 10 gold pieces
Ranger Skills
As a player advances in level as a Ranger, they can allocate 3 points to their specialized skills, such as Tracking or Survival. These skills are enhanced by the Ranger’s abilities and traits, making them particularly adept in certain areas of wilderness survival and exploration. For example, A Ranger with a +2 in Wisdom (and +1 for focus at first level) would have a base Track bonus of +6.
For example, a Ranger with a high tracking skill may be able to follow the trail of an animal or creature, even in adverse weather conditions or difficult terrain. Alternatively, a Ranger with a high Survival skill may be able to find sources of food and water in even the most inhospitable of environments.
By allocating points to their specialized skills, a Ranger can tailor their abilities to their play style and the challenges they may face in the game, allowing them to be a valuable asset to any adventuring party.
- Animal Empathy (Wisdom/AF +2) – rangers can calm upset animals/monsters who are neutral/low intelligence.
- Herbalism (Wisdom): The ranger has knowledge of natural remedies and can heal minor injuries or illnesses using plants and other natural materials. Use as a healing potion, healing 1d4 points of damage. Base Difficulty to use is 15.
- Navigation (Intelligence): The ranger can read maps, use the stars, and otherwise find his or her way through unfamiliar territory.
- Stealth (Wisdom/AF +4) – rangers are masters of camouflage in any natural areas only (excluding dungeons and cities)
- Track (Wisdom +3) – The ranger can track creatures through wilderness areas, discerning their direction of travel and the number of creatures present.
Class Restrictions
Rangers cannot have more money than they can carry on their person due to their transient nature.
At Level 2 (2,000+ Experience Points)
Gain hit points by rolling 1d8 + Constitution and adding it to your total hit points
Level up any of your Ranger Skills by distributing 2 skill points
At Level 3 (4,000+ Experience Points)
Gain hit points by rolling 1d8 + Constitution and adding it to your total hit points
Level up any of your Ranger Skills by distributing 2 skill points
Increase Ability Focus to and Bow bonus to 2
At Level 4 (8,000+ Experience Points)
Gain hit points by rolling 1d8 + Constitution and adding it to your total hit points
Level up any of your Ranger Skills by distributing 2 skill points
Choose an Animal companion from the list above.
Gain the Called Shot bonus ability
Gain the Rapid Shot bonus ability