Are your heroes’ critical fails lacking that classic Gygaxian flair? 🎲 Fear not, for we present to you the ultimate Critical Miss Chart, designed to transform those pesky natural 1s into legendary mishaps! This optional tool will add layers of excitement and unpredictability to your combat encounters.
Imagine the hilarity and drama as your valiant adventurers stumble, trip, or even hit themselves in the heat of battle! From dropping their prized weapon to inadvertently striking a fellow party member, these mishaps will keep everyone on their toes and the laughter rolling.
Behold the details:
Simple d4 Chart
When a player rolls a natural 1, roll 1d4 for the outcome:
1d4 Effect
1 Hit self (roll normal damage)
2 Hit friend (roll normal damage)
3 Break weapon
4 Drop weapon (no attack next round)
Extended d20 Chart
For a more detailed twist, use the extended d20 Critical Miss Chart! When a player rolls a 1, roll 1d20 to determine the mishap:
d20 roll | Effect |
1 | Trip; DEX check (DC15), or -2 to combat rolls for 1d4 rounds |
2 | Stumble; DEX check (DC20), or -1 to combat rolls for 1d4 rounds |
3 | Fall: DEX check (DC25), or no attack next round and attacker gains Advantage |
4 | Knocked prone in current space taking 1d6 damage, no attack next round and attacker gains Advantage |
5 | DEX check (DC15), or no attack next round and attacker gains Advantage |
6 | DEX check (DC20), or no attack next round and attacker gains Advantage |
7 | Drop weapon, no attack next round |
8 | Weapon breaks |
9 | Hit Self: roll for half damage |
10 | Hit Self: roll for normal damage |
11 | Hit Self: critical (double damage) |
12 | Hit Ally: roll for half damage |
13 | Hit Ally: roll for normal damage |
14 | Hit Ally: critical (double damage) |
15 | Hit Ally: roll for half damage |
16 | Twist ankle; Half movement |
17 | Off balance next round and attacker gains Advantage |
18 | Weapon thrown in random direction 1d6 rounds to recover |
19 | Self: Knocked uncouncious |
20 | Self: Death Blow |
Have unique ideas for critical misses?
Share them in the comments! 👇 Let’s make those critical fails even more epic!
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