Sometimes you want to add a little flavor to your Cresthaven RPG game when your characters roll a critical fail (1 on d20) in combat. Use this handy-dandy chart to quickly add it! Note the Critical Miss Chart is optional.

Simple d4 Chart

1d4      Effect
1          Hit self (roll normal damage)
2          Hit friend (roll normal damage)
3          Break weapon
4          Drop weapon (no attack next round)

Extended d20 Chart

d20 roll Effect
1 Trip; DEX check (DC15), or -2 to combat rolls for 1d4 rounds
2 Stumble; DEX check (DC20), or -1 to combat rolls for 1d4 rounds
3 Fall: DEX check (DC25), or no attack next round and attacker gains Advantage
4 Knocked prone in current space taking 1d6 damage, no attack next round and attacker gains Advantage
5 DEX check (DC15), or no attack next round and attacker gains Advantage
6 DEX check (DC20), or no attack next round and attacker gains Advantage
7 Drop weapon, no attack next round
8 Weapon breaks
9 Hit Self: roll for half damage
10 Hit Self: roll for normal damage
11 Hit Self: critical (double damage)
12 Hit Ally: roll for half damage
13 Hit Ally: roll for normal damage
14 Hit Ally: critical (double damage)
15 Hit Ally: roll for half damage
16 Twist ankle; Half movement
17 Off balance next round and attacker gains Advantage
18 Weapon thrown in random direction 1d6 rounds to recover
19 Self: Knocked uncouncious
20 Self: Death Blow

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