Sometimes you want to add a little flavor to your Cresthaven RPG game when your characters roll a critical hit in combat. Use this handy-dandy chart to quickly add it! Note the Critical Hit Chart is optional.
d20 Roll | Location Hit | Consiquence |
1 | Hand | Hand damaged, -2 combat rolls |
2 | Hand | Lost 1d4 fingers, weapon dropped |
3 | Arm | Wrist damaged, weapon or shield dropped |
4 | Arm | Elbow wound, -2 combat rolls |
5 | Arm | Arms off, -5 combat rolls |
6 | Leg | Open wound, -5 to defense |
7 | Leg | Knee wound, half movement |
8 | Leg | Important artery hit, death in 2d4 rounds |
9 | Abdomin | Guts hanging out, CON or incapacitated |
10 | Abdomin | Guts smashed, CON or incapacitated |
11 | Abdomin | Guts punctured, death in 2d4 rounds |
12 | Abdomin | Guts punctured, death blow |
13 | Chest | Lung damage, -3 to all rolls |
14 | Chest | Chest wound, death blow |
15 | Chest | Important artery hit, death in 2d4 rounds |
16 | Chest | Broken rib, -2 combat rolls |
17 | Hard Strike | Double Damage |
18 | Power Strike | Triple Damage |
19 | Brilliant Strike | Quad Damage |
20 | Death Blow | Decapitation, Death Blow |