I’ve been reading up on G+ about encounters and how they are supposed to play out in the game vs how we actually play them when we play. Currently our round goes like this: roll initiative, do stuff, repeat. Seems I’ve been doing it all wrong and it’s actually much more broken out than that.

This is how I propose changing it:

Pre-Round Actions – Surprise or Encounter Reaction

1. Declare Party Actions (Negotiate, Combat or Flee)

Fleeing an encounter allows for the non-fleeing group to make one attack (spell or ranged only) at a +2 bonus

If combat is declared or already happening, continue to #2

If there is anyone who takes ongoing damage or spell effects then deal the damage or effect during this part.

2. Declare Character Actions (Melee Attack, Range Attack, Spells, Move)

3. Roll Initiative – d20, highest to lowest order

4. Combat Move then attack

Movement, note: spell casters cannot move and cast spells, unless the spells is zero level

Move move up to your characters speed only if you are not already engaged in melee combat, if they are in melee combat…

Moving in combat there are two options:

Fighting Withdrawal – character moves slowly backwards at half speed and out of melee combat with that opponent for next round. Opponent and character can make one attack as normal this round, if the opponent’s attack is successful, the withdrawal has failed.

Retreat – character moves quickly backwards at full speed and out of melee range for this round and cannot attack. Opponent can make one attack with advantage this round.


Ranged attacks – Arrows, Slings, Throwing stuff


Melee attacks

Next combatant Move to next player in the initiative order (next highest) and begin the combat again with movement and attacking.

5. Morale checks are made

6. Go to #1 Declare Party Actions and Repeat until the encounter is resolved

What do you think?

How do you run your RPG encounters? Do you do it all at once, or in phases? Post a comment below and let me know!
