In newer versions of D&D and Pathfinder they each have a skill list. Contrary to popular belief this is not a new idea. Skills go all the way back to the original D&D in the form of Thief skills. I propose that skills are integrated into Simple DnD in a more uniform manner. Skill based characters (Assassin, Grifter, Ranger and Thief) would be completely replaced with the new class, just called Rogue, and allowing the players to customize their characters as they see fit.

Each rogue would choose 6 of the following skills and distribute 24 points between them:

Skill List:

  • Animal Handling
  • Climbing
  • Contacts
  • Crafting: Disguise, Poison, Tinker, Traps (choose) one slot per
  • Deceive
  • Disable Devices
  • Intimidate
  • Investigate
  • Linguistics
  • Lore
  • Sleight of Hand
  • Stealth
  • Tracking
  • Use Magic Devices
  • Will Power

At each level up the player would gain 3 additional points to distribute. New skills can be acquired at the cost of 6 skill points and would start at 1.  With one additional skill added at each 5 levels.

Class Build Outs

A thief would know: Climbing, Crafting: Traps, Disable Devices, Investigate, Stealth and Use Magic Devices

An assassin would know: Climbing, Contacts, Crafting: Poison, Intimidate, Tracking and Stealth

A grifter would know: Contacts, Deceive, Intimidate, Lore, Stealth and Will Power

A ranger would know: Animal Handling, Climbing, Investigate, Lore, Stealth and Tracking

Let me know your thoughts and ideas in the comments below!




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