Technology as Magic

I've been brainstorming some ideas for new magic items and I'm really loving the idea that tech is magic. Not today's technology, but maybe technology that is 10-50 years into the future. Obviously this brings the whole setting into question (what happened that everything is wilderness now? where did these's other species come from?) Things…


Time Tracking Worksheet

In Cresthaven RPG, we have a special way to keep track of time in the game. It's called the Time Tracking Worksheet. It helps us know how much time has passed in the game. Each box on the worksheet represents one turn, and it has all the rounds and notes in it. Each row on…


Goblin Raiders

Adventure for Cresthaven RPG Map by Daniel F. Walthall @Axebane Introduction This adventure is designed to teach dungeon exploration to a new group of players. While the story is cliche, it is a good starting point to introduce low level monsters and situations and really the adventure starts at the cellar doors.  This adventure is…