Greetings, Dungeon Masters,
As you delve deeper into the world of Cresthaven, you may find yourselves drawn to the allure of firearms. These instruments of both power and peril can add a new layer of tactical depth and excitement to your campaigns.
Remember, firearms are a relatively newly rediscovered technology in Cresthaven. They are not ubiquitous, and their use carries both social and mechanical implications. Consider the rarity, cost, and availability of these weapons, and how they might shape your world.
The rules presented here are a framework and completely optional. Feel free to experiment, adjust, and expand upon them to fit your game’s unique style. Most importantly, have fun! These rules are intended to enhance your storytelling, not restrict it. If you have thoughts or ideas, feel free to post a comment and let me know!
Let the thunder of gunfire echo through your campaigns.
Firearms are a relatively newly rediscovered technology in Cresthaven, and their use is still somewhat restricted. They are powerful weapons, capable of inflicting devastating damage at range, but they are also complex and prone to misfires. Characters who wield firearms must be skilled and cautious.
Name | Damage | Crit On | Cost (Gold) | Type | Weight | Range | Misfire On |
Arquebus | 1d12+3 | 19-20 | 500 | Piercing | 10 lbs | 60/240 | 1-2 |
Blunderbuss* | 1d6+2 | 19-20 | 500 | Piercing | 12 lbs | 20/80 | 1-2 |
Caviler | 1d10+2 | 19-20 | 450 | Piercing | 11 lbs | 50/200 | 1-2 |
Musket | 1d16+4 | 519-20 | 800 | Piercing | 20 lbs | 80/320 | 1-2 |
Pistol, Starwheel | 1d6+2 | 19-20 | 1,000 | Piercing | 5 lbs | 40/160 | 1 |
Firearms Rules
Rate of Fire
- Standard rate of fire for firearms is once per round.
- When a character fires a firearm, they roll a d20. If the result is equal to or lower than the misfire chance of the weapon, a misfire occurs.
- Roll on the Misfire Table to determine the effect of the misfire.
Armor Penetration
- Firearms ignore armor protection, treating the target as having an AC of 10 (unarmored) plus Dexterity modifier at short range.
- Muskets apply this rule at all ranges.
- Reloading a firearm takes the equivalent of 1 round.
Misfire Table
Roll | Result |
1 or less | Explosion! |
2-5 | Dud load |
6-7 | Bad Load |
8 | Lock Damage |
9 or more | Squib/Flash-in-the-pan |
- Explosion! The gun is destroyed. The character must make a saving throw against Breath or take half the gun’s damage.
- Dud load The powder was bad or water got in. The character must reload the gun entirely, taking an additional 3 rounds to clear it before firing again.
- Bad Load Roll 1d6. On a 3 or less, the gun was underloaded (halves damage). Otherwise, it was overloaded (doubles damage).
- Lock Damage The gun’s base Misfire chance increases by 1. Flintlocks must replace the flints. Wheel-locks become unusable until repaired.
Spreadshot Rules
Weapons like the Blunderbuss are spreadshot weapons, meaning its damage is spread out in a cone-shaped area.
- Cone Size: The Blunderbuss has a cone size of 15 feet.
- Targets: Any creature within the cone is affected by the attack.
- Cover: Creatures with cover from the point of origin of the cone gain a +2 bonus to AC against the attack.
- Multiple Targets: A Blunderbuss can hit multiple targets with a single shot, but each target makes its own saving throw against the attack.
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