Varnek the Craven Necromancer – BBEG / NPC

Varnek is a cunning necromancer who poses a significant threat to the adventurers, utilizing both his dark powers and psychological manipulation to challenge them at every turn. The provided tactics and interactions offer a roadmap for bringing Varnek to life in your campaign, presenting opportunities for engaging encounters and memorable role-playing moments.



Characters must manage ongoing costs for their lifestyle and followers, deducted from wealth between adventures.



Strongholds provide adventurers with a safe haven, strategic advantage, and income generation, but require careful management of size, location, and features that affect upkeep costs. Resource management through production and trade generates income to maintain strongholds, which also face random events during downtime. The GM adjusts rules for campaign specificity, encouraging creative stronghold development.


Hostage at Owlbear Ridge

Hostage at Owlbear Ridge, is an encounter for 2 level 4 adventurers who have been dispatched on a critical mission to negotiate the release of a hostage held by kobolds and their owl bear ally. The situation is complicated by the presence of a Kobold shaman, who has used his skills to create an illusionary…


Moonlit Glade

"Moonlit Glade" is designed for 2-4 level 3 players, trapped in an ever-shrinking glade, players must solve a complex puzzle to appease forest spirits and escape before being crushed by the encroaching trees. As twilight falls, you enter a serene glade bathed in moonlight. Suddenly, the trees begin to close in, their branches creaking ominously. A…


Caravan in the Crosshairs

"Caravan in the Crosshairs" is an encounter designed for a party of four level 5 characters. It presents a dynamic challenge combining aerial threats, environmental dangers, and tactical combat. As the snow blankets the rugged mountain pass, your caravan halts abruptly. The sharp cry of griffons pierces the cold air. Bandits, astride majestic yet fierce…


A Guide for Young Adventurers!

Welcome, Young Adventurers! In this special section, we've got something awesome just for our special Young Adventurers. Imagine you're stepping into a magical world, one where you become a legendary hero, explore mysterious places, and face all sorts of amazing challenges. Well, you're in luck because that's exactly what Cresthaven RPG is all about! In…


Updates to Movement Rules and Introduction of the “Exhausted” Condition

Greetings, brave adventurers of Cresthaven! Today, we bring you exciting news about some recent developments in our ever-evolving role-playing game. We've listened to your feedback and worked diligently to improve the gameplay experience, making Cresthaven RPG even more immersive and engaging. In this blog post, we'll delve into the changes to our movement rules and…